So we came up with a list of things that would speed up the process of training.
Here's a list of the commonly used syntax in Apex and restrictions:
Hope this tutorial is useful to you.
# Intro to apex
## Basic operation
``` java
//variable declaration
Integer val = 0;
string str = 'Super test'; // apex allow only single quote for string variable
boolean isDeleted = true;
/*Concatenate string*/
string firstname = 'John';
string lastname = 'Doe';
string name = firstname + ' ' + lastname;
## Debug Apex code
``` java
string name = 'Super test';
system.debug('### '+name); // ### Super test
## Collection
A collection in apex is either a "List", "Set" or a "Map"
``` java
* List
//Populating method 1
list<string> carList = new list<string>(); //initializing an empty list
/*Populating the list*/
//Populating method 2
list<string> carList = new list<string>{'BMW', 'Mercedes', 'Audi'};
* Set
set<string> referenceSet = new set<string>();
set<string> referenceSet = new set<string>{'test'};
* Map
* A map consists of a key and value. The key should always be a primitive type (string, integer, id, ...).
map<string, string> countryCodeMap = new map<string, string>(); //initiliazing an empty map
//Populating a map
countryCodeMap.put('Mauritius', 'MU');
countryCodeMap.put('France', 'FR');
map<string, string> countryCodeMap = new map<string, string>{'Mauritius'=>'MU', 'France'=>'FR'};
//accessing a value for a specific key in the map
string franceCode = countryCodeMap.get('France'); //returns FR
## sObject
Any standard and custom object in Salesforce is represented as an sObject in Apex.
| Object type | Name | Api name (as represented in apex) |
| ----------- | ---------- | ----------------------------------- |
| Standard | Account | Account |
| Standard | Contact | Contact |
| Custom | Car | Car__c |
| Custom | Job | Job__c |
``` java
//Create a new instance of an sObject
Contact con1 = new Contact(); //initializing an instance of a contact
con1.Firstname = 'Jane';
con1.Lastname = 'Doe';
// or
Contact con1 = new Contact(Firstname='Jane', Lastname='Doe');
/*custom object*/
Job__c job = new Job__c();
//creating an instance of an existing record
Account salesFr = new Account(Id='0012400000YwpHM'); //you just need to instantiate with the field "Id"
### Note
A lookup or master-detail relationship fields in apex is represented by an Id.
## DML
DML operations consists of:
- insert
- update
- upsert
- delete
- undelete
- merge
### Insert
Account telecom = new Account(Name='Telecom');
insert telecom;
### Update
telecom.Name = 'Telecom - Head office';
update telecom;
### Upsert
It does an insert if record not found else update if found.
Generally use with an ExternalId (a flag on a field to make it an index)
//account does not exist
Account sbm = new Account(Name='SBM');
upsert sbm; // will create an account with Name = SBM
//account exist
Account sbm = new Account(Id='0012400000YwpHM', Name='SBM - Closed');
upsert sbm; // will update with Name = 'SBM - Closed'
//update a contact based on its external id (here Email is defined as external id)
Contact con1 = new Contact(Email='', Lastname='Plop');
upsert con1 Contact.Email;
### Delete and Undelete
Can only delete instance which contains an Id.
Account sbm = new Account(Id='0012400000YwpHM');
delete sbm;
undelete sbm;
## SOQL queries
SOQL query will always return the following:
- an sobject
- a list of sobjects
- a list of objects
### Basic query
//Returning only one record
Contact jane = [SELECT Id, Firstname, Lastname FROM Contact WHERE Id = '0032400000GRVvY'];
//returning a list of record
list<Account> accountList = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account];
### Advanced query
// returning a list of contact with their account name
list<Contact> contactList = [SELECT Id,
FROM Contact
WHERE AccountId != null];
// returning list of account with their children(contacts)
list<Account> accountList = [SELECT Id, Name,
(SELECT Id, Firstname, Lastname from Contacts)
FROM Account];
Notice that the child relationship is in plural.
If a custom object was used here
- parent relationship: objectName**__r**
- child relationship: objectName**s__r**
## Loops
``` java
for(integer i = 0; i < size; i++){
// code here
list<string> firstnames = new list<string>{'John', 'Jane'};
list<string> lastnames = new list<string>{'Smith', 'Doe'};
list<string> names= new list<string>();
for(integer i = 0; i < firstnames.size(); i++){
string name = firstnames[i] + ' ' + lastnames[i];
for(type variable: list<type>){
//do any operation with variable
integer total = 0;
list<Account> accountList = [SELECT id, NumberOfEmployees FROM Account];
for(Account acc: accountList){
if (acc.NumberOfEmployees != null){
total = total + acc.NumberOfEmployees;
## Classes and Methods
``` java
public class Employee {
public string name;
public integer age;
public datetime arrivedAt;
public Employee(){
public void checkIn(){
//void just do the action
arrivedAt =;
public boolean shouldRetire(){
integer diff = 65 - age;
if (diff <= 0){
return true;
return false;
public static integer numEmployees(){
list<Employee__c> employees = [select id from Employee__c];
return employees.size();
//Creating an instance of employee
Employee emp = new Employee(); = 'john';
emp.age = 30;
//call checkIn method for the employee
emp.checkIn(); // void method do the action only
retired = emp.shouldRetire(); // non void method should return a value
//Calling static methods
## Basic operation
``` java
//variable declaration
Integer val = 0;
string str = 'Super test'; // apex allow only single quote for string variable
boolean isDeleted = true;
/*Concatenate string*/
string firstname = 'John';
string lastname = 'Doe';
string name = firstname + ' ' + lastname;
## Debug Apex code
``` java
string name = 'Super test';
system.debug('### '+name); // ### Super test
## Collection
A collection in apex is either a "List", "Set" or a "Map"
``` java
* List
//Populating method 1
list<string> carList = new list<string>(); //initializing an empty list
/*Populating the list*/
//Populating method 2
list<string> carList = new list<string>{'BMW', 'Mercedes', 'Audi'};
* Set
set<string> referenceSet = new set<string>();
set<string> referenceSet = new set<string>{'test'};
* Map
* A map consists of a key and value. The key should always be a primitive type (string, integer, id, ...).
map<string, string> countryCodeMap = new map<string, string>(); //initiliazing an empty map
//Populating a map
countryCodeMap.put('Mauritius', 'MU');
countryCodeMap.put('France', 'FR');
map<string, string> countryCodeMap = new map<string, string>{'Mauritius'=>'MU', 'France'=>'FR'};
//accessing a value for a specific key in the map
string franceCode = countryCodeMap.get('France'); //returns FR
## sObject
Any standard and custom object in Salesforce is represented as an sObject in Apex.
| Object type | Name | Api name (as represented in apex) |
| ----------- | ---------- | ----------------------------------- |
| Standard | Account | Account |
| Standard | Contact | Contact |
| Custom | Car | Car__c |
| Custom | Job | Job__c |
``` java
//Create a new instance of an sObject
Contact con1 = new Contact(); //initializing an instance of a contact
con1.Firstname = 'Jane';
con1.Lastname = 'Doe';
// or
Contact con1 = new Contact(Firstname='Jane', Lastname='Doe');
/*custom object*/
Job__c job = new Job__c();
//creating an instance of an existing record
Account salesFr = new Account(Id='0012400000YwpHM'); //you just need to instantiate with the field "Id"
### Note
A lookup or master-detail relationship fields in apex is represented by an Id.
## DML
DML operations consists of:
- insert
- update
- upsert
- delete
- undelete
- merge
### Insert
Account telecom = new Account(Name='Telecom');
insert telecom;
### Update
telecom.Name = 'Telecom - Head office';
update telecom;
### Upsert
It does an insert if record not found else update if found.
Generally use with an ExternalId (a flag on a field to make it an index)
//account does not exist
Account sbm = new Account(Name='SBM');
upsert sbm; // will create an account with Name = SBM
//account exist
Account sbm = new Account(Id='0012400000YwpHM', Name='SBM - Closed');
upsert sbm; // will update with Name = 'SBM - Closed'
//update a contact based on its external id (here Email is defined as external id)
Contact con1 = new Contact(Email='', Lastname='Plop');
upsert con1 Contact.Email;
### Delete and Undelete
Can only delete instance which contains an Id.
Account sbm = new Account(Id='0012400000YwpHM');
delete sbm;
undelete sbm;
## SOQL queries
SOQL query will always return the following:
- an sobject
- a list of sobjects
- a list of objects
### Basic query
//Returning only one record
Contact jane = [SELECT Id, Firstname, Lastname FROM Contact WHERE Id = '0032400000GRVvY'];
//returning a list of record
list<Account> accountList = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account];
### Advanced query
// returning a list of contact with their account name
list<Contact> contactList = [SELECT Id,
FROM Contact
WHERE AccountId != null];
// returning list of account with their children(contacts)
list<Account> accountList = [SELECT Id, Name,
(SELECT Id, Firstname, Lastname from Contacts)
FROM Account];
Notice that the child relationship is in plural.
If a custom object was used here
- parent relationship: objectName**__r**
- child relationship: objectName**s__r**
## Loops
``` java
for(integer i = 0; i < size; i++){
// code here
list<string> firstnames = new list<string>{'John', 'Jane'};
list<string> lastnames = new list<string>{'Smith', 'Doe'};
list<string> names= new list<string>();
for(integer i = 0; i < firstnames.size(); i++){
string name = firstnames[i] + ' ' + lastnames[i];
for(type variable: list<type>){
//do any operation with variable
integer total = 0;
list<Account> accountList = [SELECT id, NumberOfEmployees FROM Account];
for(Account acc: accountList){
if (acc.NumberOfEmployees != null){
total = total + acc.NumberOfEmployees;
## Classes and Methods
``` java
public class Employee {
public string name;
public integer age;
public datetime arrivedAt;
public Employee(){
public void checkIn(){
//void just do the action
arrivedAt =;
public boolean shouldRetire(){
integer diff = 65 - age;
if (diff <= 0){
return true;
return false;
public static integer numEmployees(){
list<Employee__c> employees = [select id from Employee__c];
return employees.size();
//Creating an instance of employee
Employee emp = new Employee(); = 'john';
emp.age = 30;
//call checkIn method for the employee
emp.checkIn(); // void method do the action only
retired = emp.shouldRetire(); // non void method should return a value
//Calling static methods
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